Technical Committee | Baltimore Metropolitan Council

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Technical Committee

Committee Title
Technical Committee
Committee Description


The Technical Committee reviews and evaluates all transportation plans and programs from a technical standpoint. Composed of transportation planners and engineers appointed by local governments and several state agenices, the Technical Committee makes recommendations to the Baltimore Regional Transportation Board based on technical sufficiency, accuracy, and completeness of all plans and programs. This input provides the BRTB with a technical viewpoint prior to making decisions.

Meetings are the first Tuesday of each month and are open to the public.

Purpose and Mission

  • Oversee work efforts outlined in the Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)
  • Review/coordinate UPWP efforts by BMC staff, state agencies, and the local jurisdiction
  • Stay informed on technical topics to support the BRTB’s work
  • Review and analyze proposed plans and programs


The Technical Committee consists of one representative from each member jurisdiction or agency of the BRTB. The Committee also includes representation from the State Highway Administration and the Maryland Transportation Authority. Each year, the committee elects a new chair and vice chair. The chair of the BRTB and the Technical Committee should be from different jurisdictions/agencies.


Committee Category

Recent & Upcoming Meeting Materials

Date Sort ascending Agendas Minutes Video Recording Presentations Supporting Documents
Agenda Resolution 25-25 Resolution 25-26 Resolution 25-27 Resolution 25-28
Agenda Minutes Bay Crossing Alternatives , Microtransit Solutions , TIP Amend 4 MTA , TIP Amend MDTA Curtis Creek Resolution 25-22 Resolution 25-23 Resolution 25-24
Agenda Minutes Draft UPWP Update , LRTP Scenario Planning , Post Pandemic Trends , Transportation Needs Assessement
Agenda - CANCELLED Resolution 25-19 Resolution 25-20 Resolution 25-21
Agenda Minutes Section 5310 Recommendations , TIP Amendment MDTA , TIP Amendment 7 MTA , EVCI for Multi Unit , FY 2026 UPWP Topics , Scenario Planning Update Resolution 25-16 Resolution 25-17 Resolution 25-18
Agenda Minutes TIP Amend 3 MTA , TIP Amend AA Co , TIP Amend MECIP , TIP Amend MPA , TIP Amend US 29 BRT , FY 2024 Carryover Resolution 25-10_a Resolution 25-11 Resolution 25-12 Resolution 25-13 Resolution 25-14 Resolution 25-15
Agenda Minutes TIP Amendments Howard County , Public Attitudes on Housing , FY 2026 UPWP Topics Resolution 25-9
Agenda Minutes Bmore Bus , CMAQ Mid Performance and Targets , Ten Oaks Rd Functional Class Resolution 25-7 Resolution 25-8
Agenda Minutes TIP Amendments MTA , TIP Amendment Balto County , TIP and AQ , Self Certification , Transportation Alternatives Applications , Carbon Reductions Applications , CMAQ Congestion Targets , MDOT CMAQ MPP Review , Equity Emphasis Areas , TA and CRP Recommendations Resolution 25-1 Resolution 25-2 Resolution 25-3 Resolution 25-4 Resolution 25-5 Resolution 25-6
Agenda Minutes 2024-2027 TIP Amendment: MTA TIP Amendments Resolution 24-25