Requests for Proposals | Baltimore Metropolitan Council

Commuting Cost Calculator

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  • Average 2019 cost per mile for automobile operation as estimated by the American Automobile Association includes fuel, insurance, depreciation, maintenance. :
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Requests for Proposals

Virtual Proposal Submissions:

Please submit all proposals via email. Note that BMC's email will accept files up to 25MB. If your proposal documents exceed 25MB, please upload the documents to a file sharing service like Google Drive or Dropbox and email the link to the files.

List Of RFPs


Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Implementation Plan for the West Baltimore Red Line Station

The Baltimore Metropolitan Council (BMC) is soliciting proposals from qualified firm(s) to create a Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Implementation Plan for the West Baltimore Red Line Station. The station is planned to become a critical regional hub with the addition of the planned Red Line Station to the existing MARC station and local bus lines. The Project will coordinate with the redesign of the West Baltimore MARC Station included in Amtrak’s Frederick Douglass Tunnel project, as well as the West Baltimore United project supported by Reconnecting Communities and Neighborhoods grant funds, and the MARC Penn Line TOD Framework Plan.

Proposals must be received by BMC no later than March 27, 2025, by 2:00 p.m.

Please direct any questions to Tim Briggs at no later than March 13, 2025. Answers to all questions received will be posted to BMC’s website by March 18, 2025.







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