The Baltimore Regional Transportation Board (BRTB) develops a long-term plan for transportation investments every four years. The 2023 plan is called Resilience 2050: Adapting to the Challenges of Tomorrow. Resilience is necessary for the ongoing performance of our transportation system, our environment, our economy and our livelihoods.
This $70 billion plan includes investments supporting the operation and preservation of our transportation system along with details on transit, bicycle, pedestrian, roadway, and interchange projects that may receive federal funding for the years 2028 through 2050. Many of these projects expand roadway or transit capacity, while others help our transportation system to function more efficiently or seek to preserve existing transportation infrastructure.
A comment period was held from Wednesday, May 17 through Tuesday, June 20, 2023. The BRTB, as the metropolitan planning organization (MPO) for the Baltimore region, approved Resilience 2050 and the associated Air Quality Conformity Determination on Tuesday, July 25, 2023. The document has been sent to federal agencies for review and approval. See below for links to the final document, BRTB responses to comments, an interactive project map and a storymap summary of the document.
Resilience 2050 Chapters: |
Additional Resources: |
Key steps in the process to develop Resilience 2050 include:
- Public Engagement – The BRTB will develop Resilience 2050 in consultation with a range of stakeholders and interested parties. Throughout the process, we will offer the public opportunities to be engaged. Launching in 2021, the BRTB would like to invite you to be a part of the conversation... What is resilience? What does it mean for our transportation system to be resilient? Be a part of the conversation.
- Goals and Strategies - Goals represent the guiding principles, and together with strategies, form the transportation vision for the region. These principles describe the system the region would like to achieve over the next 30 years.
View: Draft Goals | Comments Received | BRTB Response to Comments - Performance Measures and Targets - Meaningful measures and targets that define success and track how the region is performing are required features of the plan. Evaluation of the performance of our transportation network, and ultimately our decisions on strategies and tactics, are transparent when these measures can be tracked against performance of the system.
- Emerging Trends - Planning for the future means considering the major trends and external forces that could affect our transportation system, sometimes dramatically, in the coming years. Understanding opportunities or vulnerabilities associated with these trends can help us plan for the future. Read the Emerging Technologies White Paper
- Financial Forecast - Resilience 2050 is not a wish list of projects. The LRTP must be financially constrained by the amount of revenue anticipated and may only include projects which are within the projected revenue. Understanding the transportation system’s operating and capital costs, user needs, and what resources are likely to be available over the timeframe of the LRTP is critical. View the Resilience 2050 Financial Forecast
- Socioeconomic and Demographic Forecasts - Planning a transportation system for future generations is a complex task. How many people will live here? Where will they work? What kind of transportation service will they want or need? Answering these questions requires a forecast of what the Baltimore region may look like in the future. Our local members will develop for the BRTB data sets that forecast population, household, and employment levels through 2050 for use in Resilience 2050. View the Round 10 forecasts
- Project Prioritization and Scoring - BRTB members contribute the policy part of a score and BMC staff conduct analysis that together help determine which projects should be included in the draft plan. The BRTB considers a wide range of criteria in this process. View the Project Scoring White Paper
- Analysis of Potential Effects – Once the BRTB selects a draft list of projects, known as the Preferred Alternative and the public weighs in, the BMC staff will then use the travel demand model and socioeconomic forecasts to analyze the potential effects of these major capital projects. This includes an air quality conformity analysis, travel demand effects, and an environmental justice (EJ) analysis.
Introduction to the White Paper Series
Resilience 2050 will contain a list of major capital projects that the region expects to implement through the year 2050. In addition to major capital projects, it will also include planned investments for operating and preserving our region’s transportation system.
Arriving at this list of projects is a complex task. Below is a brief summary of the steps in the process and the many issues that must be considered in the long range planning process.
Each of the steps and issues are complex and deserving of more than just a few sentences. This is where the BRTB’s series of white papers comes in. We plan to release white papers on a series of topics over the next year leading up to the release of the draft of Resilience 2050 in early 2023. Our hope is that they can make the planning process for Resilience 2050 more transparent by breaking down key issues into smaller, more digestible pieces.
Visit https://publicinput.com/resilience2050whitepapers to learn more and to read the white papers.
Get Involved
As the BRTB considers each step in the planning process, we will share ways you can be involved and share your comments.
Visit publicinput.com/Resilience2050 to subscribe to updates and learn more.