The Baltimore Regional Transit Needs Assessment is an analysis and report developed for, and at the request of the Baltimore Metropolitan Council’s Board of Directors. The charge from BMC’s Board of Directors was two-fold:
- Develop a comprehensive assessment of our multi-modal transit network; and,
- Present a set of recommendations for a truly regional transit system that reflects local priorities and supports economic growth.
The assessment was developed by BMC staff to summarize and synthesize existing research. BMC staff collected the data cited in the assessment from various sources. It is designed to serve as a resource for the BMC and the Baltimore Regional Transportation Board, as they work to address local and regional transit challenges, strengthen regional ties that benefit the entire region.
The report contains the following chapters:
- Information on the existing transit system and its users
- Analysis of Regional transit issues and challenges;
- Recommended actions, projects and products to improve the transit system
- Appendix A - Survey Responses
- Appendix B - Student Ridership
- Appendix C - Busiest Bus Stops
- Appendix D - Incident Data
- Appendix E - Park and Ride
- Appendix F - Priority Letters
- Appendix G - Other Voices
- Appendix H - Study Review
- Appendix I - Transit Performance
- Appendix J - BNIP Report
- Appendix K - Demographics