For 25 years, Clean Air Partners has worked to improve air quality in the greater metropolitan Baltimore-Washington D.C. region. Established as a public-private partnership between D.C.’s Metropolitan Council of Governments (MWCOG) and the Baltimore Metropolitan Council (BMC), Clean Air Partners raises awareness of air quality and drives positive change through education and public messaging to individuals, regional governments, area nonprofits, and the business community.
Clean Air Partners empowers individuals and organizations to take simple actions to protect public health and improve air quality.
- Provides current and forecasted air quality conditions through a free mobile application, and EPA EnviroFlash email notification system.
- Demonstrates emission sources through interactive exhibits that shows pollution from cars and lawn and garden care.
- Provides "On the Air" Train-the-Trainer Education Program, where teachers are given tools and resources to lead hands-on activities to teach students about air pollution.
- Encourages businesses and individuals to take voluntary actions to improve the region’s air, such as teleworking, taking transit, carpooling, and using electric lawn and garden equipment.
Visit the Clean Air Partners website to Learn More