Maximize2045: A Performance-Based Transportation Plan is a regional long-range transportation plan that seeks to make the best use of—or maximize—the resources that make up and support the Baltimore region’s transportation system.
Maximize2045 contains a list of major capital transportation projects totaling $12 billion, which the region expects to implement from 2024 to 2045. Maximize2045 includes $65 billion in planned investment overall, with $53 billion allocated for operations and preservation of transportation systems in the region.
Maximize2045 establishes the region's broad transportation goals and performance measures, which serve as guiding principles as the region plans and carries out projects. This approach provides a framework for the region to monitor progress toward regional goals by measuring performance and status of achieving targets. This approach also enables the BRTB to make informed decisions about how best to maintain, operate, and enhance the existing transportation system and to apply limited financial resources.
The plan also takes into account anticipated funding levels through 2045, future trends and demographics, and an analysis of potential Environmental Justice effects of the major projects. Staff also conducted an air quality analysis that shows implementation of these projects will not worsen the region’s air quality or delay the timely attainment of national air quality standards.
Throughout the development of Maximize2045, the BRTB consulted and coordinated with local jurisdictions, the Maryland Department of Transportation and its modal agencies, other state agencies such as the Maryland Department of the Environment and the Maryland Department of Planning, other partner agencies, the public, and other key stakeholders and interested parties.
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