Committees | Baltimore Metropolitan Council

Commuting Cost Calculator

  • Your round trip mileage from home to work :
  • Number of days per week you work :
  • Total Mile You Commute Every Week :
  • Number of weeks you work per year :
  • Total Miles You Commute Per Year :
  • Average 2019 cost per mile for automobile operation as estimated by the American Automobile Association includes fuel, insurance, depreciation, maintenance. :
  • Total Yearly Cost of Your Commute:


Recent & Upcoming Meeting Materials

Date Sort ascending Committee Agendas Minutes Presentations Supporting Documents
Executive Committee Agenda
Technical Committee Agenda Bay Bridge Crossing Study , Draft FY 2025 UPWP , TIP Amend Aberdeen , Title VI Plan Resolution 24-14 , Resolution 24-15 , Resolution 24-15 Supporting Doc Part 1 , Resolution 24-15 Supporting Doc Part 2 , Resolution 24-16
Congestion Management Process Committee Agenda Crash Dashboard , Quarterly Congestion Update , Meeting Handout
Baltimore Regional Transit Commission Agenda MTA 101 , MTA Budget Overview , Overview of Maryland's TTF and CTP MDOT CTP Handout , MTA Accomplishments , MTA Organizational Chart
Baltimore Regional Transportation Board Agenda Public Involvement Report , 2020 Urban Area Boundary , Critical Urban Freight Corridors , Safety Performance Targets , US 50 Functional Class Resolution 24-10 , Resolution 24-11 , Resolution 24-12 , Resolution 24-13
Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Group Agenda Bicycle Ped Count Update , Montgomery Road Counts , Vision Regional Bike Network , Netherlands Resiliency Mobility Tour
Executive Committee Agenda
Technical Committee Agenda Critical Urban Freight Corridors , FY 2025 UPWP Topics , Regional CMP Overview , Safety Performance Targets , 2020 Urban Area Boundary , US 50 Functional Class Resolution 24-10 , Resolution 24-11 , Resolution 24-12 , Resolution 24-13
Baltimore Regional Transportation Board View Annapolis Electric Ferry Pilot Program , Baltimore Ferry Improvements , MDOT Consolidated Transportation Program (CTP) Overview , MDTA Annual Forecast - FY2024 , Public Involvement Report Resolution 24-8 , Resolution 24-9
Baltimore Regional Safety Subcommittee View 2023 Look Alive Successes , MHSO Seatbelt Presentation , Safety Performance Targets , Work Zone Safety Group