BALTIMORE, MD (Wednesday, March 5, 2025) – The Baltimore Regional Transportation Board (BRTB) has launched Getting There: Your Transportation Story, a survey to assess the individual travel experiences of residents in the Baltimore region.
The survey aims to gather information on how participants interact with our region’s transportation system, whether it is by biking, walking, driving, or riding public transit. The data provided by participant input will help the BRTB develop future transportation plans for safer, more reliable, and more accessible transportation for Baltimore region residents.
Members of the public can complete the survey and enter for a chance to win one of ten $100 gift cards by Friday, April 4 at publicinput.com/GettingThere. Following the survey, the BRTB will conduct four paid focus groups to further explore survey topics.
Baltimore Metropolitan Council (BMC) works collaboratively with the chief elected officials in the region to create initiatives to improve quality of life and economic vitality. As the Baltimore region’s council of governments, BMC hosts the Baltimore Regional Transportation Board (BRTB) and supports local government by coordinating efforts in a range of policy areas including emergency preparedness, housing, cooperative purchasing, environmental planning and workforce development.
BMC operates its programs and services without regard to race, color or national origin in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other applicable laws. Appropriate services can be provided to qualified individuals with disabilities or those in need of language assistance who submit a request at least seven days prior to a meeting. Call 410- 732-0500. Dial 7-1-1 or 800-735-2258 to initiate a TTY call through Maryland Relay. Si se necesita información de Título VI en español, llame al 410-732-0500.