Press Release | Baltimore Metropolitan Council

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Press Release

El Informe de puntos calientes de vivienda de 2023 identifica el crecimiento en toda la región

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El Informe de puntos calientes de vivienda de 2023 identifica el crecimiento en toda la región
News Short Description
"Esperamos que la población de la región siga creciendo en los próximos años debido a nuestra calidad de vida y oportunidades económicas", afirma el director ejecutivo de BMC, Mike Kelly.
News Long Description

BALTIMORE, MD (lunes 22 de julio de 2024) – Los sitios en Ten Hills, Edgewood y el sur de Baltimore están emergiendo como los 'puntos calientes' para el desarrollo residencial en la región de Baltimore, según el último Informe de puntos calientes de actividad de permisos de construcción residencial de Consejo Metropolitano de Baltimore (BMC).

En 2023, se permitieron 7298 unidades residenciales en la región de Baltimore. Este informe anual se basa en datos de la información de permisos de construcción de la región en una base de datos estandarizada.

El director ejecutivo de BMC, Mike Kelly, dice que los líderes de la región de Baltimore están evaluando esta tendencia y sus implicaciones para las oportunidades de la región para la propiedad de viviendas generadoras de riqueza y una red de transporte en crecimiento.

"Esperamos que la población de la región siga creciendo en los próximos años debido a nuestra calidad de vida y oportunidades económicas", dice Kelly. "Para respaldar este crecimiento, las nuevas familias, trabajadores, estudiantes y jubilados necesitarán más opciones de vivienda".

BMC trabajará con los gobiernos locales de la región durante el próximo año para explorar las interacciones entre viviendas nuevas y existentes, la red de transporte de la región, las oportunidades económicas y el sentimiento público. Esto incluye un próximo estudio sobre las disparidades relacionadas con la vivienda justa en la región, que investiga cómo la desigualdad corresponde a las características protegidas por las leyes de vivienda justa.

Los datos del Informe de puntos críticos de actividad de permisos de construcción residencial de BMC acompañan al Informe de actividad de construcción metropolitana de 2023 y brindan información esencial para nuestra comunidad. El Informe Metropolitano de Actividad de Construcción detalla las tendencias en el total de permisos para unifamiliares, multifamiliares y de uso mixto e incluye datos sobre todas las construcciones residenciales y no residenciales. En conjunto, estos informes brindan información sobre los nuevos patrones de desarrollo regional en nuestra región.

En 2023, la ciudad de Baltimore recibió la mayor cantidad de permisos para unidades residenciales, con 1,944 unidades permitidas. Le siguieron el condado de Baltimore y el condado de Harford con 1,674 y 1,149 unidades permitidas, respectivamente.

Los diez principales "puntos calientes de vivienda" de la región importantes para desarrollos residenciales en 2023 fueron:

  1. Upton (Ten Hills, ciudad de Baltimore) con 761 unidades multifamiliares
  2. James Run (Edgewood/Joppa, condado de Harford) con 390 unidades adjuntas multifamiliares y unifamiliares
  3. Península de Baltimore (sur de Baltimore, ciudad de Baltimore) con 386 unidades adjuntas multifamiliares y unifamiliares
  4. Hunt Valley Town Center (Cockeysville/Timonium, condado de Baltimore) con 322 unidades multifamiliares
  5. Arundel Gateway/Watershed (Ciudad de Maryland, condado de Anne Arundel) con 233 unidades unifamiliares adjuntas
  6. Waters Landing (Essex, condado de Baltimore) con 181 unidades unifamiliares adjuntas
  7. Wellington Farms (Laurel, condado de Howard) con 171 unidades unifamiliares adjuntas y separadas
  8. Four Seasons Kent Island (Kent Island, condado de Queen Anne) con 156 unidades unifamiliares independientes y multifamiliares
  9. Columbia Village (Columbia, condado de Howard) con 155 unidades multifamiliares
  10. Perkins Homes (East Baltimore, Baltimore City) con 152 unidades multifamiliares

Del total de permisos emitidos en 2023, el 45,9 por ciento del total de permisos residenciales fueron para desarrollos multifamiliares, mientras que el 27,3 por ciento fueron para viviendas unifamiliares adjuntas y el 22,6 por ciento fueron para viviendas unifamiliares independientes. Por el contrario, en 2022, el 54,7 por ciento del total de permisos residenciales fueron para desarrollos multifamiliares o de uso mixto, convirtiéndose en la mayoría de los permisos emitidos por primera vez, mientras que el 23,3 por ciento fueron para viviendas unifamiliares adjuntas y el 22 por ciento para viviendas independientes. viviendas unifamiliares.

BMC recopila y mantiene la información sobre permisos de construcción de la región en una base de datos estandarizada, proporcionando un registro continuo de los planes para proyectos residenciales y no residenciales nuevos y renovados de todos los permisos con un valor de construcción estimado de $10,000 o más. Esto ayuda a las agencias locales y estatales a prepararse para las tendencias anticipadas a medida que las comunidades crecen con el tiempo.


El Consejo Metropolitano de Baltimore (BMC) trabaja en colaboración con los principales funcionarios electos de la región para crear iniciativas que mejoren la calidad de vida y la vitalidad económica. Como consejo de gobiernos de la región de Baltimore, BMC alberga la Junta de Transporte Regional de Baltimore (BRTB) y apoya al gobierno local coordinando esfuerzos en una variedad de áreas de políticas que incluyen preparación para emergencias, vivienda, compras cooperativas, planificación ambiental y desarrollo de la fuerza laboral.

BMC opera sus programas y servicios sin distinción de raza, color u origen nacional de acuerdo con el Título VI de la Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964 y otras leyes aplicables. BMC ofrece servicios de interpretación, incluidos servicios de traducción de idiomas y señalización para personas con discapacidad auditiva, en reuniones públicas previa solicitud y con siete días de antelación. BMC no excluirá a personas por motivos de edad, religión o discapacidad. Para obtener ayuda, comuníquese con el Coordinador de Participación Pública,, o llame al 410-732-0500. Marque 7-1-1 o 800-735-2258 para iniciar una llamada TTY a través de Maryland Relay. Usos de Relay MD m

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BALTIMORE, MD (Monday, July 22, 2024) – Sites in Ten Hills, Edgewood, and South Baltimore are emerging as the ‘hot spots’ for residential development in the Baltimore region, according to the latest Residential Building Permit Activity Hot Spot Report from Baltimore Metropolitan Council (BMC).

In 2023, 7,298 residential units were permitted in the Baltimore Region. This annual report builds upon data from the region’s building permit information in a standardized database.

BMC Executive Director Mike Kelly says that the Baltimore region’s leaders are evaluating this trend and its implication for the region’s opportunities for wealth-building homeownership and a growing transportation network.

"We expect the region's population to continue growing in the coming years due to our quality of life and economic opportunities," Kelly says. "To support this growth, new families, workers, students and retirees will need more housing options."

BMC will work with the region’s local governments over the coming year to explore the interactions between new and existing homes, the region’s transportation network, economic opportunity, and public sentiment. This includes an upcoming study on fair-housing-related disparities in the region, researching how inequality corresponds to characteristics protected by fair housing laws.

The data in BMC’s Residential Building Permit Activity Hot Spot Report accompanies the 2023 Metropolitan Building Activity Report and provides essential insight for our community. The Metropolitan Building Activity Report details trends in total single-family, multi-family, and mixed-use permitting and includes data on all residential and non-residential construction. Together, these reports provide insight into new regional development patterns across our region.

In 2023, Baltimore City received the most residential unit permits, with 1,944 units permitted. Baltimore County and Harford County followed with 1,674 and 1,149 units permitted, respectively.

The region’s top ten ‘Housing Hot Spots’ significant for residential developments in 2023 were:

  1. Upton (Ten Hills, Baltimore City) with 761 multi-family units
  2. James Run (Edgewood/Joppa, Harford County) with 390 multi-family and single-family attached units
  3. Baltimore Peninsula (South Baltimore, Baltimore City) with 386 multi-family and single-family attached units
  4. Hunt Valley Town Centre (Cockeysville/Timonium, Baltimore County) with 322 multi-family units
  5. Arundel Gateway/Watershed (Maryland City, Anne Arundel County) with 233 single-family attached units
  6. Waters Landing (Essex, Baltimore County) with 181 single-family attached units
  7. Wellington Farms (Laurel, Howard County) with 171 single-family attached and detached units
  8. Four Seasons Kent Island (Kent Island, Queen Anne’s County) with 156 single-family detached and multi-family units
  9. Columbia Village (Columbia, Howard County) with 155 multi-family units
  10. Perkins Homes (East Baltimore, Baltimore City) with 152 multi-family units

Of the total permits issued in 2023, 45.9 percent of total residential permits were for multi-family developments, while 27.3 percent were for attached single-family homes, and 22.6 percent were for detached single-family homes. In contrast, in 2022, 54.7 percent of total residential permits were for multi-family or mixed-use developments, becoming the majority of permits issued for the first time, while 23.3 percent were for attached single-family homes and 22 percent were for detached single-family homes. 

BMC compiles and maintains the region’s building permit information in a standardized database, providing a continual record of plans for new and renovated residential and non-residential projects from all permits with an estimated construction value of $10,000 or more. This helps local and state agencies prepare for anticipated trends as communities grow over time




Baltimore Metropolitan Council (BMC) works collaboratively with the chief elected officials in the region to create initiatives to improve quality of life and economic vitality. As the Baltimore region’s council of governments, BMC hosts the Baltimore Regional Transportation Board (BRTB) and supports local government by coordinating efforts in a range of policy areas including emergency preparedness, housing, cooperative purchasing, environmental planning and workforce development.

BMC operates its programs and services without regard to race, color or national origin in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other applicable laws. BMC offers interpretation services, including language translation services and signage for the hearing impaired, at public meetings upon request with seven days advance notice. BMC will not exclude persons based on age, religion, or disability. For assistance, contact the Public Involvement Coordinator,, or call 410-732-0500. Dial 7-1-1 or 800-735-2258 to initiate a TTY call through Maryland Relay. Usarios de Relay MD marquen 7-1-1. Si se necesita información de Título VI en español, llame al 410-732-0500. 

Press Releases

BALTIMORE, MD (June 13, 2024) – PUBLIC NOTICE: Request for Public Comment Section 4(f) of the US Department of Transportation Act – de minimis Finding

Patapsco Regional Greenway Elkridge to Guinness Segment

What is being planned?

Baltimore County Department of Public Works & Transportation, in partnership with Howard County Office of Transportation and with support from the Baltimore Metropolitan Council proposes construction of a new 10-12 foot wide hard-surface trail, approximately 1.5 miles in length from Guinness Open Gate Brewery to the town of Elkridge. The trail will be situated between I-895 and the Patapsco River, utilizing a boardwalk through forested floodplain and wetlands before crossing the Patapsco River via one 290-foot bicycle and pedestrian bridge. The trail will continue onto Main Street using sharrows to direct bicycles and pedestrians to Levering Avenue in historic downtown Elkridge. The work will include required stormwater management facilities, barriers between the trail and high-tensile electrical towers, improvements to existing pedestrian crossings at US 1 and Levering Avenue, and improvements to sidewalks on Levering Avenue between US 1 and Main Street. All disturbed land will be replanted with native groundcover and trees will be mitigated in accordance with DNR requirements. The trail would be open from dawn to dusk and will not include lighting. The trail will provide safer travel for pedestrians and bicyclists in the project area and fill an existing gap in the regional trail system.

Why this public notice?

Section 4(f) of 23 CFR 774.5(b), which seeks to protect publicly owned public parklands, recreation areas, waterfowl and wildlife refuges, and significant historic sites from impacts – the “use” of these resources – by US Department of Transportation actions.

It allows the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to determine that certain transportation uses will not adversely affect the protected land. With respect to publicly owned parks and recreation areas, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) may determine a finding of de minimis impact may occur if a transportation project does not “adversely affect the activities, features and attributes” of the resource. When this is the case, FHWA requires the written concurrence from the officials with jurisdiction of the resource, and public notice and opportunity for public review and comment is required.

What are the impacts to protected resources?

In order to complete the project, an easement would be required from two parcels of the Patapsco Valley State park in Baltimore County, resulting in 8,494.2 square feet / 0.195 acre of permanent impacts and 36,721 square feet / 0.843 acre of temporary impacts for construction access and construction of the hard-surface shared-use trail along with buffer space, tree removal and stormwater management, erosion, or sediment control measures.

Although a portion of the Patapsco Regional State Park would constitute a “use” as defined under Section 4(f), we anticipate no negative impact on its features, attributes and attributes that qualify the recreation area for protection. Through this notice, Baltimore County is advising the public that it will request that FHWA make a de minimis (or minor) impact finding in accordance with Section 4(f).

How do I comment?

Please contact Anna Marshall, Baltimore Metropolitan Council at or 410-732-0500 by June 28th.



Baltimore Metropolitan Council (BMC) works collaboratively with the chief elected officials in the region to create initiatives to improve quality of life and economic vitality. As the Baltimore region’s council of governments, BMC hosts the Baltimore Regional Transportation Board (BRTB) and supports local government by coordinating efforts in a range of policy areas including emergency preparedness, housing, cooperative purchasing, environmental planning and workforce development.

BMC operates its programs and services without regard to race, color or national origin in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other applicable laws. BMC offers interpretation services, including language translation services and signage for the hearing impaired, at public meetings upon request with seven days advance notice. BMC will not exclude persons based on age, religion, or disability. For assistance, contact the Public Involvement Coordinator,, or call 410-732-0500. Dial 7-1-1 or 800-735-2258 to initiate a TTY call through Maryland Relay. Usarios de Relay MD marquen 7-1-1. Si se necesita información de Título VI en español, llame al 410-732-0500. 

Leer en español.

Bike to Work MD organiza un calendario récord de eventos en 2024

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Bike to Work MD organiza un calendario récord de eventos en 2024
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“Queremos que cada semana sea la Semana de Bike to Work”, dijo el director ejecutivo de BMC, Mike Kelly, en una conferencia de prensa en el ayuntamiento.
News Long Description

BALTIMORE, MD (viernes 24 de mayo de 2024) – La Semana de Bike to Work de Central Maryland concluyó su 27.ª festividad anual la semana pasada con un número récord de eventos en toda la región, incluidos paseos en grupo, happy hours y las tradicionales paradas en boxes. Las cifras de registro se mantuvieron estables con respecto a años anteriores, continuando un resurgimiento después de una caída pandémica.

El Consejo Metropolitano de Baltimore (BMC) coordina la Semana de Bike to Work junto con socios de toda la región. En una conferencia de prensa en el ayuntamiento, el director ejecutivo de BMC, Mike Kelly, agradeció a todos los que apoyaron el programa, desde las agencias que organizaron eventos hasta las tiendas de bicicletas que sirvieron como lugares para recoger camisetas y los ciclistas que se unieron a las festividades.

“Queremos que cada semana sea la Semana de Bike to Work”, dijo Kelly, destacando los beneficios para la salud de andar en bicicleta y la importancia de las mejores prácticas de seguridad en bicicleta.

Junto a Kelly afuera del Ayuntamiento para conmemorar el Día Nacional en Bicicleta al Trabajo el viernes 17 de mayo estuvieron el alcalde de Baltimore, Brandon Scott, el vicegobernador de Maryland, Aruna Miller, la subsecretaria de Transporte de Maryland, Samantha Biddle, la administradora de la Administración de Tránsito de Maryland, Holly Arnold, y otros invitados.

“Aquí en la ciudad de Baltimore, estamos comprometidos a hacer que nuestro transporte sea seguro y accesible para todos”, dijo el alcalde Scott, elogiando el progreso de la ciudad en la implementación de su manual Calles Completas 2021. "Andar en bicicleta es una opción viable para desplazarse y proporciona numerosos beneficios para la salud y el medio ambiente para todos".

El vicegobernador Miller también elogió los esfuerzos en Baltimore y en todo el estado para ampliar las instalaciones para bicicletas. Destacó su experiencia como planificadora de transporte y dijo que ha visto lo liberador que puede ser andar en bicicleta cuando es seguro y accesible.

"El ciclismo conecta a las personas con sus comunidades", dijo el vicegobernador Miller. “Nada se compara con eso”.

En otras partes de la región, funcionarios electos y líderes de agencias se unieron a paradas en boxes, fiestas y paseos grupales para conmemorar la ocasión. De Bel Air a Westminster, de Towson a Annapolis, de Catonsville a Columbia, el programa de este año incluyó más de 20 eventos y más de dos docenas de tiendas de bicicletas participantes, una huella récord.

El alcalde de Annapolis, Gavin Buckley, habló en el parque Susan Campbell el viernes y elogió a la ciudad por su capacidad para andar en bicicleta. Pidió una revolución ciclista y señaló que a menudo va en bicicleta al trabajo.

"Siempre he estado preparado para predicar con el ejemplo", dijo el alcalde Buckley. "Me enorgullece decir que Bike-to-Work no representa ningún cambio en mi rutina habitual".

La Semana en bicicleta al trabajo es uno de los muchos programas que BMC coordina para apoyar el ciclismo, la seguridad vial y la conectividad del sistema de transporte en la región de Baltimore. Cualquiera en la región que ande en bicicleta con regularidad o quiera hacerlo puede consultar el proyecto Bikeable Baltimore Region recientemente lanzado, que identificará la primera red de bicicletas conectada regionalmente.

Se está planificando la Semana en bicicleta al trabajo 2025, que se llevará a cabo del 12 al 18 de mayo. Suscríbase para recibir alertas cuando se abra el registro, vea fotos del programa de este año y obtenga más información sobre la historia y la misión de Bike to Work Central Maryland en

Bike to Work Central Maryland cuenta con el generoso patrocinio del Departamento de Transporte de la ciudad de Baltimore, Downtown Columbia Partnership, Clean Air Partners, Anne Arundel County Commuter Crew, Go Howard, GoSmart Maryland, Regional Transportation Agency of Central Maryland, Harford County Public Library , el Departamento de Transporte de Maryland, BikeHoCo, Black People Ride Bikes, Columbia Association y Spin.


Image removed.

Cientos de ciclistas se reunieron en más de 20 eventos en toda la región para la Semana en bicicleta al trabajo 2024. Vea una galería completa.



El Consejo Metropolitano de Baltimore proporciona un foro regional para que los miembros, socios estatales y locales identifiquen intereses mutuos y colaboren en estrategias, planes y programas que ayuden a mejorar la vitalidad económica y la calidad de vida para todos.

BMC opera sus programas y servicios sin distinción de raza, color u origen nacional de acuerdo con el Título VI de la Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964 y otras leyes aplicables. Se pueden brindar servicios apropiados a personas calificadas con discapacidades o aquellos que necesitan asistencia lingüística que presenten una solicitud al menos siete días antes de una reunión. Llame al 410-732-0500. Marque 7-1-1 o 800-735-2258 para iniciar una llamada TTY a través de Maryland Relay. Si necesita información del Título VI en español, llame al 410-732-0500.

Haga clic aquí para ver todas las noticias en español.

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BALTIMORE, MD (Friday, May 24, 2024) – Bike to Work Week Central Maryland wrapped its 27th annual festivities last week with a record number of events throughout the region, including group rides, happy hours and the traditional Pit Stops. Registration numbers held steady with previous years, continuing a resurgence after a pandemic dip.

Baltimore Metropolitan Council (BMC) coordinates Bike to Work Week along with partners throughout the region. At a City Hall press conference, BMC Executive Director Mike Kelly thanked everyone who supported the program, from the agencies hosting events to the bike shops serving as t-shirt pickup spots to the cyclists who geared up and joined the festivities.

“We want to make every week Bike to Work Week,” said Kelly, noting the health benefits of biking and the importance of bike safety best practices.

Joining Kelly outside City Hall to commemorate National Bike to Work Day on Friday, May 17 were Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott, Maryland Lieutenant Governor Aruna Miller, Maryland Deputy Secretary of Transportation Samantha Biddle, Maryland Transit Administration Administrator Holly Arnold and other guests.

“Here in Baltimore City, we are committed to making our transportation safe and accessible for everyone,” said Mayor Scott, commending the city’s progress on implementing its 2021 Complete Streets manual. “Biking is a viable option for commuting, and provides numerous health and environmental benefits for all.”

Lieutenant Governor Miller also lauded efforts in Baltimore and around the state to expand bike facilities. She noted her background as a transportation planner and said she has seen how liberating cycling can be when it is safe and accessible.

“Bicycling connects individuals to their communities,” said Lieutenant Governor Miller. “Nothing compares to that.”

Elsewhere around the region, elected officials and agency leaders joined Pit Stops, parties and group rides to mark the occasion. From Bel Air to Westminster, from Towson to Annapolis, from Catonsville to Columbia, this year’s program included more than 20 events and more than two dozen participating bike shops, a record footprint.

Annapolis Mayor Gavin Buckley spoke at Susan Campbell Park on Friday, praising the city for its bikeability. He called for a cycling revolution and noted that he often bikes to work.

“I’ve always been prepared to lead by example,” said Mayor Buckley. “I’m proud to say that Bike-to-Work represents no change to my regular routine.”

Bike to Work Week is one of many programs BMC coordinates to support biking, road safety and transportation system connectivity in the Baltimore region. Anyone in the region who bikes regularly or would like to can check out the recently-launched Bikeable Baltimore Region project, which will identify the first regionally-connected bike network.

Planning is underway for Bike to Work Week 2025, which will run May 12-18. Subscribe for alerts when registration opens, view photos from this year’s program and learn more about the history and mission of Bike to Work Central Maryland at

Bike to Work Central Maryland is supported by the generous sponsorship of the Baltimore City Department of Transportation, Downtown Columbia Partnership, Clean Air Partners, Anne Arundel County Commuter Crew, Go Howard, GoSmart Maryland, Regional Transportation Agency of Central Maryland, Harford County Public Library, the Maryland Department of Transportation, BikeHoCo, Black People Ride Bikes, Columbia Association and Spin.

Image removed.
Hundreds of cyclists gathered at more than 20 events around the region for Bike to Work Week 2024. View a full gallery.



Baltimore Metropolitan Council (BMC) works collaboratively with the chief elected officials in the region to create initiatives to improve quality of life and economic vitality. As the Baltimore region’s council of governments, BMC hosts the Baltimore Regional Transportation Board (BRTB) and supports local government by coordinating efforts in a range of policy areas including emergency preparedness, housing, cooperative purchasing, environmental planning and workforce development.

BMC operates its programs and services without regard to race, color or national origin in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other applicable laws. BMC offers interpretation services, including language translation services and signage for the hearing impaired, at public meetings upon request with seven days advance notice. BMC will not exclude persons based on age, religion, or disability. For assistance, contact the Public Involvement Coordinator,, or call 410-732-0500. Dial 7-1-1 or 800-735-2258 to initiate a TTY call through Maryland Relay. Usarios de Relay MD marquen 7-1-1. Si se necesita información de Título VI en español, llame al 410-732-0500. 

Leer en español.

El proyecto Bikeable Baltimore Region identifica la primera red regional de bicicletas

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El proyecto Bikeable Baltimore Region identifica la primera red regional de bicicletas
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Un período de comentarios se cerrará el 26 de julio e incluirá diez reuniones en todas las jurisdicciones miembros.
News Long Description

BALTIMORE, MD (martes 21 de mayo de 2024) –El Consejo Metropolitano de Baltimore (BMC) está trabajando en un proyecto, Bikeable Baltimore Region (BBR), que identificará la primera red regional de bicicletas. Se abrirá un período de comentarios públicos del 21 de mayo al 26 de julio de 2024 e incluirá diez reuniones públicas.

La BBR identificará una red regional de bicicletas de instalaciones para bicicletas existentes y planificadas que sean seguras y cómodas para personas de todas las edades y habilidades. Esta red de bicicletas beneficiará a todos al conectar nuestras comunidades locales y brindar acceso seguro y equitativo a los lugares a los que la gente necesita ir, como el transporte público, las escuelas, el trabajo y los parques. Esta será la primera vez que se identifique una red de bicicletas conectadas regionalmente para la región de Baltimore.

Current Baltimore Regional Bicycle Facilities Inventory Including Shared-use Path, Protected Bike Lane, Buffered Bike Lane, Standard Bike Lane, and Shared Road Lane
El proyecto Bikeable Baltimore Region (BBR) identificará la primera red regional de bicicletas.

Este período de comentarios, también conocido como fase de escucha, invita al público a compartir lo que les gusta y lo que no les gusta del ciclismo en la región de Baltimore, sus opiniones sobre la visión y los objetivos del proyecto, y lo que haría una red regional de bicicletas. un éxito para ellos. Habrá un período de comentarios más a finales de este año para obtener comentarios de la gente sobre el borrador de la red regional de bicicletas y la estrategia de implementación. El informe final y el sitio web interactivo se publicarán en el verano de 2025.

Obtenga más información sobre el proyecto y cómo comentar en

Cualquiera que desee discutir el proyecto con más detalle puede unirse a una reunión pública en una de las siguientes reuniones entre las 6:00 y las 7:30 p. m.: lunes 3 de junio, Harford County Community College; jueves 6 de junio, Centro Comunitario North Laurel; Jueves 13 de junio, Biblioteca Pública de Odenton; Martes 18 de junio, Exploration Commons de la Biblioteca Pública del Condado de Carroll; Jueves 20 de junio, Biblioteca Pública de Towson; Lunes 24 de junio, Biblioteca Central Enoch Pratt; Martes 25 de junio, Centro Recreativo Pip Moyer; Jueves 27 de junio, Biblioteca pública de Kent Island. Visite el enlace del proyecto para obtener más información sobre la disponibilidad de estacionamiento y la accesibilidad del transporte público para cada reunión. También habrá una oportunidad de unirse a dos reuniones virtuales: a las 12:00 p. m., martes 4 de junio, y a las 6:00 p. m., miércoles 26 de junio.

Cualquiera que no pueda asistir puede ver los materiales de la reunión en

Las formas de comentar incluyen:

  • En línea en
  • Envíe un correo electrónico a
  • Envíe la palabra clave "BikeBaltoRegion" al 73224
  • Llame gratis al 855-925-2801 x 10292 y deje un mensaje de voz
  • Llegue a @BaltoMetroCo en las redes sociales con #BRTBListens
  • Únase a cualquiera de nuestras diez reuniones públicas vinculadas aquí


El Consejo Metropolitano de Baltimore proporciona un foro regional para que los miembros, socios estatales y locales identifiquen intereses mutuos y colaboren en estrategias, planes y programas que ayuden a mejorar la vitalidad económica y la calidad de vida para todos.

BMC opera sus programas y servicios sin distinción de raza, color u origen nacional de acuerdo con el Título VI de la Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964 y otras leyes aplicables. Se pueden brindar servicios apropiados a personas calificadas con discapacidades o aquellos que necesitan asistencia lingüística que presenten una solicitud al menos siete días antes de una reunión. Llame al 410-732-0500. Marque 7-1-1 o 800-735-2258 para iniciar una llamada TTY a través de Maryland Relay. Si necesita información del Título VI en español, llame al 410-732-0500.

Haga clic aquí para ver todas las noticias en español.


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Press Releases

BALTIMORE, MD (Tuesday, May 21, 2024) –Baltimore Metropolitan Council (BMC) is working on a project, Bikeable Baltimore Region (BBR), that will identify the first regional bike network. A public comment period will be open from May 21 - July 26, 2024, and will include ten public meetings.

The BBR will identify a regional bike network of existing and planned bike facilities that are safe and comfortable for people of all ages and abilities. This bike network will benefit everyone by connecting our local communities and providing safe and equitable access to places people need to go, such as public transit, schools, work, and parks. This will be the first time a regionally connected bike network has been identified for the Baltimore region.

Current Baltimore Regional Bicycle Facilities Inventory Including Shared-use Path, Protected Bike Lane, Buffered Bike Lane, Standard Bike Lane, and Shared Road Lane
The Bikeable Baltimore Region (BBR) project will identify the first regional bike network.

This comment period, also known as the listening phase, invites members of the public to share what they like and don’t like about biking in the Baltimore region, their thoughts on the project vision and goals, and what would make a regional bike network a success to them. There will be one more comment period later this year to get people’s feedback on the draft regional bike network and implementation strategy. The final report and interactive website will be released in the summer of 2025.

Learn more about the project and how to comment at

Anyone wishing to discuss the project in more detail is welcome to join a public meeting at one of the following meetings between 6:00-7:30 PM: Monday, June 3, Harford County Community College; Thursday, June 6, North Laurel Community Center; Thursday, June 13, Odenton Public Library; Tuesday, June 18, Carroll County Public Library Exploration Commons; Thursday, June 20, Towson Public Library; Monday, June 24, Enoch Pratt Central Library; Tuesday, June 25, Pip Moyer Recreation Center; Thursday, June 27, Kent Island Public Library. Visit the project link for more information about parking availability and transit accessibility for each meeting. There will also be an opportunity to join two virtual meetings: 12:00 PM, Tuesday, June 4 and 6:00 PM, Wednesday, June 26. Anyone who cannot attend may view meeting materials at

Ways to comment include:



Baltimore Metropolitan Council (BMC) works collaboratively with the chief elected officials in the region to create initiatives to improve quality of life and economic vitality. As the Baltimore region’s council of governments, BMC hosts the Baltimore Regional Transportation Board (BRTB) and supports local government by coordinating efforts in a range of policy areas including emergency preparedness, housing, cooperative purchasing, environmental planning and workforce development.

BMC operates its programs and services without regard to race, color or national origin in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other applicable laws. BMC offers interpretation services, including language translation services and signage for the hearing impaired, at public meetings upon request with seven days advance notice. BMC will not exclude persons based on age, religion, or disability. For assistance, contact the Public Involvement Coordinator,, or call 410-732-0500. Dial 7-1-1 or 800-735-2258 to initiate a TTY call through Maryland Relay. Usarios de Relay MD marquen 7-1-1. Si se necesita información de Título VI en español, llame al 410-732-0500. 

Leer en español.

Press Releases

BALTIMORE, MD (Thursday, May 16, 2024) – The Baltimore Regional Transportation Board (BRTB) is seeking feedback on a draft transportation investment plan which anticipates $4.52 billion for projects throughout the Baltimore region. A comment period on the draft closes June 17, and includes two virtual public meetings on June 10.

Known formally as the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), the plan includes funding for 162 bicycle, pedestrian, transit, bridge, highway and freight projects that BRTB members tapped as priorities for the 2025-2028 planning window.

Key among these are safety improvements at dozens of intersections in Baltimore City, bridge repairs or replacements in Baltimore and Carroll Counties, expansions along Snowden River Parkway in Columbia and transit-oriented development in Odenton and Aberdeen, as well as the Maryland Port Administration’s Howard Street Tunnel freight corridor expansion, the Maryland Transportation Authority’s I-95 Express Toll Lanes from White Marsh to Bel Air and the Maryland Transit Administration’s Red Line connection across Baltimore.

“Boosting connectivity across modes of travel, improving environmental outcomes and increasing safety for all users are important threads in this TIP,” said Todd Lang, Director of Transportation Planning at Baltimore Metropolitan Council, the agency that staffs and supports the BRTB. “These projects will help move our region’s transportation network forward.”

The 2025-2028 TIP includes about $2.3 billion for highway preservation and expansion, $1.28 billion for transit and commuter rail preservation and expansion, $463 million for the ports and $480 million for emissions reductions, safety improvements and other spending. Support from federal agencies accounts for about $2.8 billion of this funding, with state and local agencies providing $1.24 billion and toll revenues covering $490 million.

Notably, investments in bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure are drawn from many categories, particularly the funding for highway preservation and expansion. This TIP also includes record funding for transit throughout the region, accounting for all of the transit projects requested by local and state agencies.

The draft TIP also includes an Air Quality Conformity Determination, which assesses that the projects in the TIP will not delay the Baltimore region’s progress toward meeting national air quality standards.

You can learn more about the draft 2025-2028 TIP and associated Air Quality Conformity Determination via

The BRTB is asking members of the public to complete a brief survey on the draft TIP, and welcomes open-ended comments on the projects or planning process. The BRTB will also host two virtual meetings for participants to learn more and ask questions or make comments. Both meetings will take place on Monday, June 10, one at 12 p.m. and one at 6:30.

Ways to comment include:

  • Online via a short survey at
  • Sending an email to
  • Texting keyword ‘BRTB-TIP’ to 73224
  • Leaving a voicemail toll-free via 855-925-2801x10279
  • Reaching @BaltoMetroCo on social media with #BRTBListens
  • Joining a virtual public meeting on Monday, June 10 at 12 p.m. or 6:30



Baltimore Metropolitan Council (BMC) works collaboratively with the chief elected officials in the region to create initiatives to improve quality of life and economic vitality. As the Baltimore region’s council of governments, BMC hosts the Baltimore Regional Transportation Board (BRTB) and supports local government by coordinating efforts in a range of policy areas including emergency preparedness, housing, cooperative purchasing, environmental planning and workforce development.

BMC operates its programs and services without regard to race, color or national origin in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other applicable laws. BMC offers interpretation services, including language translation services and signage for the hearing impaired, at public meetings upon request with seven days advance notice. BMC will not exclude persons based on age, religion, or disability. For assistance, contact the Public Involvement Coordinator,, or call 410-732-0500. Dial 7-1-1 or 800-735-2258 to initiate a TTY call through Maryland Relay. Usarios de Relay MD marquen 7-1-1. Si se necesita información de Título VI en español, llame al 410-732-0500. 

Leer en español.

Press Releases

BALTIMORE, MD (Monday, May 6, 2024) – Baltimore Metropolitan Council (BMC) is sharing four options for a four mile trail segment connecting Elkridge Main Street to the BWI Trail at Stoney Run Road. A public comment period on the plans will close on June 5, 2024, and will include a meeting at the Anne Arundel County Public Library Linthicum Branch on May 22 at 6 p.m.

BMC shared an initial survey to gather public feedback on the proposed trail earlier this year, and found that 97 percent of respondents supported the project. Of the 100 respondents, 91 percent said they would use the trail for recreation or exercise, 39 anticipated using the trail for events such as bike races or running events, 36 percent would use it to see wildlife, and 24 percent expected to use the trail for traveling to work or school.

The trail will be part of the Patapsco Regional Greenway (PRG), an envisioned 40-mile shared-use trail connecting Baltimore’s Inner Harbor to Sykesville in Carroll County along the Patapsco Valley. The trail will connect with another developing segment of the PRG at Elkridge Main Street, and extend south to connect with the existing BWI Trail, expanding the connections available to bicyclists, pedestrians, equestrian riders and other users.

BMC is collaborating with Anne Arundel County, Howard County and the Maryland Department of Natural Resources to develop plans for the trail.

After sharing these more detailed designs for review, the project team will develop a single ‘preferred alignment’ based on public feedback and technical analysis. A report on the preferred alignment will be shared for public review later this year. These comment periods seek to ensure that feedback from members of nearby communities is considered at every stage of planning.

Learn more about the project and how to comment at

Anyone wishing to discuss the project in more detail is welcome to join a public meeting at the Anne Arundel County Public Library Linthicum Branch on Wednesday, May 22 from 6 to 8 p.m. Parking is available on site. The location is also transit accessible via the MTA Light Rail at Linthicum. Anyone who cannot attend may view meeting materials via

Map showing proposed trail study area.
A public comment period on the plans will close on June 5, 2024, and will include a meeting at the Anne Arundel County Public Library Linthicum Branch on May 22 at 6 p.m.

Ways to comment include:

  • Online at
  • Email
  • Text keyword ‘PRGStoneyRun’ to 73224
  • Call 855-925-2801 x 1247 toll-free and leave a voicemail
  • Reach @BaltoMetroCo on social media with #BRTBListens
  • Join our public meeting Wednesday, May 22 from 6 to 8 at the Anne Arundel County Public Library Linthicum Branch, 400 Shipley Road, Linthicum Heights, MD 21090



Baltimore Metropolitan Council (BMC) works collaboratively with the chief elected officials in the region to create initiatives to improve quality of life and economic vitality. As the Baltimore region’s council of governments, BMC hosts the Baltimore Regional Transportation Board (BRTB) and supports local government by coordinating efforts in a range of policy areas including emergency preparedness, housing, cooperative purchasing, environmental planning and workforce development.

BMC operates its programs and services without regard to race, color or national origin in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other applicable laws. BMC offers interpretation services, including language translation services and signage for the hearing impaired, at public meetings upon request with seven days advance notice. BMC will not exclude persons based on age, religion, or disability. For assistance, contact the Public Involvement Coordinator,, or call 410-732-0500. Dial 7-1-1 or 800-735-2258 to initiate a TTY call through Maryland Relay. Usarios de Relay MD marquen 7-1-1. Si se necesita información de Título VI en español, llame al 410-732-0500. 

Leer en español.

Press Releases
Bike to Work registrants rallied around Baltimore in 2023. Click here for a Bike to Work 2023 gallery.
Bike to Work registrants rallied around Baltimore in 2023. Click here for a Bike to Work 2023 gallery.

BALTIMORE, MD (Friday, April 5, 2024) – Registration for Central Maryland’s 27th annual Bike to Work Week, which will run May 13-19, 2024, is now open at Riders of all levels can register for free to claim free t-shirts and other prizes.

A program of the Baltimore Metropolitan Council, Bike to Work Central Maryland promotes the benefits of biking, raises bike safety awareness and builds community among cyclists around the Baltimore region. Participants aren’t limited to those who get to work on two wheels – anyone who bikes anywhere can join the fun.

Supported by sponsors and local partners, this year’s program contains more events than ever, including group rides, bike social happy hours and commuter ‘Pit Stops’ throughout Bike to Work Week, with many falling on National Bike to Work Day on Friday, May 17. Pit Stops will feature refreshments, gear and swag, safety and maintenance checks for beginners, experts and everyone in between.

Free t-shirts will be available to registered participants at bike shops and other pick-up locations throughout the region (supply limited). To register, learn more and find local events and pick-up spots, visit

Follow @Bike2WorkMD on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for updates. Share you own biking clips, and tell your family, friends and co-workers. Claim your free t-shirts and ride out together. The more the merrier!

Bike to Work Central Maryland is supported by the generous sponsorship of the Baltimore City Department of Transportation, Downtown Columbia Partnership, Clean Air Partners, Anne Arundel County Commuter Crew, Go Howard, GoSmart Maryland, Regional Transportation Agency of Central Maryland, Harford County Public Library, the Maryland Department of Transportation, BikeHoCo, Black People Ride Bikes, Columbia Association and Spin.



Baltimore Metropolitan Council (BMC) works collaboratively with the chief elected officials in the region to create initiatives to improve quality of life and economic vitality. As the Baltimore region’s council of governments, BMC hosts the Baltimore Regional Transportation Board (BRTB) and supports local government by coordinating efforts in a range of policy areas including emergency preparedness, housing, cooperative purchasing, environmental planning and workforce development.

BMC operates its programs and services without regard to race, color or national origin in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other applicable laws. BMC offers interpretation services, including language translation services and signage for the hearing impaired, at public meetings upon request with seven days advance notice. BMC will not exclude persons based on age, religion, or disability. For assistance, contact the Public Involvement Coordinator,, or call 410-732-0500. Dial 7-1-1 or 800-735-2258 to initiate a TTY call through Maryland Relay. Usarios de Relay MD marquen 7-1-1. Si se necesita información de Título VI en español, llame al 410-732-0500.