Baltimore Metropolitan Council

Commuting Cost Calculator

  • Your round trip mileage from home to work :
  • Number of days per week you work :
  • Total Mile You Commute Every Week :
  • Number of weeks you work per year :
  • Total Miles You Commute Per Year :
  • Average 2019 cost per mile for automobile operation as estimated by the American Automobile Association includes fuel, insurance, depreciation, maintenance. :
  • Total Yearly Cost of Your Commute:


Maximize2045 will identify the region's transportation related goals and strategies and list the major projects the region expects to implement over the next 20-25 years.

This spring, the BRTB will release a draft Maximize2045, along with the 2020-2023 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), for public review. We invite you to get involved in the process to update Maximize2045 by learning more about the steps and staying tuned for upcoming events and the public comment period.


The first step in looking at the region’s transportation needs and challenges over the next 25 years is to develop an overarching set of guiding goals and strategies.  The BRTB developed the following set of guiding principles for the projects and programs considered in Maximize2045: 

  • Improve System Safety – Make conditions safer for pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders and operators, and motorists.
  • Improve and Maintain the Existing Infrastructure – Improve the conditions of existing transportation facilities; systematically maintain and replace transportation assets as needed. 
  • Improve Accessibility – Help people of all ages and abilities to reach specific destinations.
  • Conserve and Enhance the Environment – Pass on to future generations the healthiest natural and human environments possible.
  • Improve System Security – Provide a secure traveling environment for everyone; improve the region’s ability to respond to natural and man-made disasters.  
  • Promote Prosperity and Economic Opportunity – Support the revitalization of communities, the development of activity centers, and the movement of goods and services.   
  • Foster Participation and Cooperation among All Stakeholders – Enable all interested and affected parties to participate and cooperate to find workable solutions. 
  • Promote Informed Decision Making – Ensure that adopted transportation policies and performance measures guide the regional decision making process.

:: View the detailed list of goals and strategies


The projects to be included in Maximize2045 must take into account the level of financial resources that can reasonably be expected to be available through 2045. 

The BRTB, in consultation with the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT), forecasts nearly $12.2 billion in federal, state, and private funds available for major capital projects between 2024 and 2045.

Of the $53 billion in total revenues, approximately $36.7 billion will go towards operations, and $16.3 billion will be set aside for system preservation. 

As has been the trend for years, more and more funds are being designated for preservation and operations. As a result, the amount of money forecasted to be available for major capital projects has decreased in each of the past several long-range transportation plans.  This makes for some tough choices as the BRTB considers the mix of projects to include in the draft plan. 


The next steps of the process to develop Maximize2045 are: 

  • Project Evaluation – BRTB members have submitted a list of projects they’d like to have included in Maximize2045. BMC staff have evaluated the projects based on the scoring methodology adopted by the BRTB.  Using the scoring result, the BRTB will select a list of projects that the region could implement over the next 20-25 years given the amount of money available. 
  • Draft Plan Released for Public Comments – A draft of the plan will be made public for a comment period during May and June 2019 and we’ll hold a public meeting in each jurisdiction in the Baltimore region. 
  • Respond to comments and vote on a final plan – The BRTB will then review and respond to public comments and vote on a final plan in July 2019. 

BMC Newsroom

BALTIMORE, MD (January 26, 2018) – The Baltimore Metropolitan Council (BMC) hosted a meeting of its Board of Directors on Friday, January 26, 2018 at 8:30 a.m. at the House Office Build in Annapolis. The BMC Board of Directors unanimously approved Anne Arundel County Executive Steven Schuh as its chair and Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh as its vice-chair for calendar year 2018.

“Our residents' lives do not stop at our county or city lines. We must remember that we are all in this together, as our strengths - and weaknesses - can be felt across the region," Schuh said. "As the incoming chair of the BMC Board of Directors, I look forward to working with my elected and appointed colleagues from each of our member jurisdictions to enhance our region's quality of life and economic vitality."

Michael Kelly, BMC executive director, said that he looks forward to working closely with Schuh throughout the year.

“County Executive Schuh is a leader whose years of experience representing Anne Arundel County will be an invaluable resource to our organization,” Kelly said. "We look forward to working with him to advance the common priorities of the Baltimore region."


BRTB seeks public comments on funding for several major congestion easement projects in 2018-2021 TIP, Maximize2040

BALTIMORE, MD (February 12, 2018) – The Baltimore Regional Transportation Board (BRTB) welcomes comments through Wednesday, March 14, on new projects and funding updates to the 2018-2021 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and/or Maximize2040: A Performance-Based Transportation Plan for five Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA) projects and one Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA) project.

The BRTB is scheduled to vote on the amendments on Tuesday, March 27, at 9 a.m. The BRTB also will host public meetings on Monday, February 26; Tuesday, February 27; and Monday, March 1.

About Maximize2040 and the TIP

Maximize2040 is this region’s $12.5 billion long-range transportation plan developed by the BRTB. Maximize2040 serves as the blueprint for fiscally constrained transportation planning in the Baltimore region from the year 2020 to 2040. The plan also establishes the region’s broad transportation goals and performance measures, which now serve as guiding principles as the region plans and carries out projects.

The 2018-2021 TIP is the list of regional transportation projects requesting federal funding in the near term. It includes more than $3 billion in proposed federal, state and local money for highway, transit, bicycle and pedestrian projects during the next four years. The funding goes towards maintaining, operating and expanding the transportation system. The TIP is fiscally constrained.

Updates occur in Maximize2040 and the 2018-2021 TIP because of changes to project scope and funding or changes to federal documentation policies. Public comment periods and meetings aim to keep communication open regarding these changes.



COG Quarterly Winter 2018 Magazine

Dear Friends,

When you look at the national news, it’s easy to dismiss Baltimore as a city with great challenges and struggles. But outsiders are discovering what so many of us have known about this region for years: Baltimore is a dynamic destination and it’s only getting better.

Forbes started the momentum when it dubbed us No. 14 on “America’s Coolest Cities to Live” in 2012. Then Zagat crowned Baltimore City No. 2 on “The Top 17 Food Cities of 2015.” So it’s no surprise (but still quite exciting) that we made the New York Time’s “52 Places to go in 2018,” a list of global destinations.

Our Winter 2018 COG Quarterly cover story, “Baltimore Bound,” highlights regional tourism and its intersection with transportation (Page 14). The Baltimore region has something for everyone – whether you’re a foodie or beer connoisseur, a sports fanatic or patron of the arts, nature enthusiast or leisure lover. The tourism industry is a key component of our economy, and it’s an emerging factor in how we approach transportation planning for the future.

Once again, thank you for your interest in BMC and our work.


Michael B. Kelly

BMC Executive Director