Reservoir Watershed Protection Committee | Baltimore Metropolitan Council

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Reservoir Watershed Protection Committee

BMC Newsroom

The members of the Baltimore Reservoir Watershed Protection Committee (WPC) have executed a new Action Strategy for the Reservoir Watersheds.

Finalized in 2019, this Action Strategy details the measures that members have agreed to carry out in order to protect the quality of the region’s three drinking water reservoirs, and their tributaries. The affected watersheds feed the Loch Raven, Prettyboy and Liberty reservoirs.

Watershed Protection Action Strategy Measures include both policy and program commitments to advance watershed protection, restoration, and management. The new Action Strategy builds upon a 2005 agreement and includes new efforts to: implement an enhanced monitoring plan, reduce road salt runoff; and explore funding opportunities.

This important agreement will also continue policies and practices in water quality monitoring and analysis; point source management; nonpoint source management; planning, zoning and development; resource protection and restoration; management of city-owned watersheds; toxics, spills, pathogens, and disinfectant by-products; reservoir watershed program coordination; and public awareness.

Members of the WPC include staff representing Baltimore, Carroll, Harford, and Howard Counties, Baltimore City, the Maryland Departments of the Environment and Agriculture, Baltimore County and Carroll Soil Conservation Districts, and the Baltimore Metropolitan Council.