CompareCoOps | Baltimore Metropolitan Council

Commuting Cost Calculator

  • Your round trip mileage from home to work :
  • Number of days per week you work :
  • Total Mile You Commute Every Week :
  • Number of weeks you work per year :
  • Total Miles You Commute Per Year :
  • Average 2019 cost per mile for automobile operation as estimated by the American Automobile Association includes fuel, insurance, depreciation, maintenance. :
  • Total Yearly Cost of Your Commute:


The Baltimore Regional Cooperative Purchasing Committee is affiliated with the CompareCoOps cooperative consortium contract aggregator for the purposes of accessing their platform to extend more exposure for our regional contracts that will, through the widespread use of their platform across the nation, improve the economies of scale for each contract. This will drive the price competitiveness of our contracts and save the region money. View a complete list of CompareCoOps contracts:

The process requires no additional effort on the part of participants wanting to use our regional contracts. The platform provides the tools to query available contracts for piggybacking opportunities. Debbie Groat, Cooperative Purchasing Director will have access to the platform analytics to determine usage and to facilitate a more informed cooperative solicitation that incorporates more knowledge about the true value of the contract. Contact Debbie Groat with any questions.