Baltimore Metropolitan Council

Commuting Cost Calculator

  • Your round trip mileage from home to work :
  • Number of days per week you work :
  • Total Mile You Commute Every Week :
  • Number of weeks you work per year :
  • Total Miles You Commute Per Year :
  • Average 2019 cost per mile for automobile operation as estimated by the American Automobile Association includes fuel, insurance, depreciation, maintenance. :
  • Total Yearly Cost of Your Commute:

Press Releases
Bike to Work registrants rallied around Baltimore in 2023. Click here for a Bike to Work 2023 gallery.
Bike to Work registrants rallied around Baltimore in 2023. Click here for a Bike to Work 2023 gallery.

BALTIMORE, MD (Friday, April 5, 2024) – Registration for Central Maryland’s 27th annual Bike to Work Week, which will run May 13-19, 2024, is now open at Riders of all levels can register for free to claim free t-shirts and other prizes.

A program of the Baltimore Metropolitan Council, Bike to Work Central Maryland promotes the benefits of biking, raises bike safety awareness and builds community among cyclists around the Baltimore region. Participants aren’t limited to those who get to work on two wheels – anyone who bikes anywhere can join the fun.

Supported by sponsors and local partners, this year’s program contains more events than ever, including group rides, bike social happy hours and commuter ‘Pit Stops’ throughout Bike to Work Week, with many falling on National Bike to Work Day on Friday, May 17. Pit Stops will feature refreshments, gear and swag, safety and maintenance checks for beginners, experts and everyone in between.

Free t-shirts will be available to registered participants at bike shops and other pick-up locations throughout the region (supply limited). To register, learn more and find local events and pick-up spots, visit

Follow @Bike2WorkMD on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for updates. Share you own biking clips, and tell your family, friends and co-workers. Claim your free t-shirts and ride out together. The more the merrier!

Bike to Work Central Maryland is supported by the generous sponsorship of the Baltimore City Department of Transportation, Downtown Columbia Partnership, Clean Air Partners, Anne Arundel County Commuter Crew, Go Howard, GoSmart Maryland, Regional Transportation Agency of Central Maryland, Harford County Public Library, the Maryland Department of Transportation, BikeHoCo, Black People Ride Bikes, Columbia Association and Spin.



Baltimore Metropolitan Council (BMC) works collaboratively with the chief elected officials in the region to create initiatives to improve quality of life and economic vitality. As the Baltimore region’s council of governments, BMC hosts the Baltimore Regional Transportation Board (BRTB) and supports local government by coordinating efforts in a range of policy areas including emergency preparedness, housing, cooperative purchasing, environmental planning and workforce development.

BMC operates its programs and services without regard to race, color or national origin in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other applicable laws. BMC offers interpretation services, including language translation services and signage for the hearing impaired, at public meetings upon request with seven days advance notice. BMC will not exclude persons based on age, religion, or disability. For assistance, contact the Public Involvement Coordinator,, or call 410-732-0500. Dial 7-1-1 or 800-735-2258 to initiate a TTY call through Maryland Relay. Usarios de Relay MD marquen 7-1-1. Si se necesita información de Título VI en español, llame al 410-732-0500. 

BRTB busca comentarios sobre la planificación y la divulgación para la certificación federal

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News Title
BRTB busca comentarios sobre la planificación y el alcance público para la certificación federal
News Short Description
"Sus comentarios son de vital importancia para nuestro proceso de certificación federal", dice Todd Lang, Director de Planificación del Transporte.
News Long Description

BALTIMORE, MD (jueves 4 de abril de 2024) – La Junta de Transporte Regional de Baltimore (BRTB) está trabajando con socios de la Administración Federal de Carreteras y la Administración Federal de Tránsito para obtener la certificación. La BRTB está pidiendo al público que realice una encuesta sobre la planificación y la divulgación recientes antes del 7 de mayo, y organizará una reunión pública híbrida el 1 de mayo.

El proceso de certificación federal se lleva a cabo cada cuatro años y busca garantizar que la BRTB siga las reglas federales de planificación y divulgación. Desde la certificación más reciente de la BRTB en 2020, más de 1750 personas han intervenido en planes y proyectos, ayudando a dar forma al futuro del sistema de transporte de la región. La BRTB continúa esforzándose por llegar a más personas en la región y traer más voces al proceso de planificación.

"Sus comentarios son de vital importancia para nuestro proceso de certificación federal", dice Todd Lang, Director de Planificación del Transporte del Consejo Metropolitano de Baltimore, la agencia que dota de personal y apoya a la BRTB. "Ya sea que haya participado o no en nuestro trabajo de planificación anterior, queremos saber cómo podemos comunicarnos mejor con usted, compartir la información que necesita y obtener sus comentarios".

La BRTB es la organización de planificación metropolitana designada a nivel federal para la región de Baltimore. Los miembros de su junta incluyen funcionarios electos locales, así como especialistas de agencias locales, estatales y federales que guían la planificación y la elaboración de presupuestos del transporte en la región de Baltimore, evaluando necesidades y tendencias, escuchando a las comunidades y promoviendo prioridades compartidas para el movimiento de personas y bienes con una centrarse en la seguridad, la equidad y la resiliencia.

Esta revisión de certificación se centrará en el plan de transporte de largo plazo Resiliencia 2050 de BRTB, aprobado en 2023 y el Plan de Participación Pública de BRTB, actualizado en 2022, así como en los Programas de Mejora del Transporte más recientes, que se actualizan anualmente y actúan como presupuestos para proyectos del transporte en toda la región.

La BRTB está pidiendo al público que complete una breve encuesta sobre estos esfuerzos de planificación y divulgación. La BRTB también organizará una reunión pública híbrida el miércoles 1 de mayo a las 6:30 p.m. En la reunión, el público tendrá la oportunidad de aprender más sobre el proceso de certificación de los reguladores federales y hacer preguntas o compartir comentarios. Los participantes pueden unirse virtualmente o en persona en la oficina de McHenry Row del Consejo Metropolitano de Baltimore.

Las formas de comentar incluyen:

  • En línea a través de una breve encuesta en
  • Enviando un correo electrónico a
  • Enviar mensaje de texto con la palabra clave "BRTBcertification" al 73224
  • Dejar un mensaje de voz gratis al 855-925-2801x1774
  • Llegue a @BaltoMetroCo en las redes sociales con #BRTBListens
  • Unirse a una reunión pública el miércoles 1 de mayo de 2024 a las 6:30 p. m.
    • Virtual: regístrese para obtener el enlace a través de
    • En persona: visite la oficina de McHenry Row del Consejo Metropolitano de Baltimore en 1500 Whetstone Way, Suite 300, Baltimore MD 21230 (estacionamiento gratuito para visitantes, tránsito accesible a través de MTA Local 71 y 94 o Charm City Circulator Banner Route)



El Consejo Metropolitano de Baltimore proporciona un foro regional para que los miembros, socios estatales y locales identifiquen intereses mutuos y colaboren en estrategias, planes y programas que ayuden a mejorar la vitalidad económica y la calidad de vida para todos.

BMC opera sus programas y servicios sin distinción de raza, color u origen nacional de acuerdo con el Título VI de la Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964 y otras leyes aplicables. Se pueden brindar servicios apropiados a personas calificadas con discapacidades o aquellos que necesitan asistencia lingüística que presenten una solicitud al menos siete días antes de una reunión. Llame al 410-732-0500. Marque 7-1-1 o 800-735-2258 para iniciar una llamada TTY a través de Maryland Relay. Si necesita información del Título VI en español, llame al 410-732-0500.

Haga clic aquí para ver todas las noticias en español.

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Press Releases

BALTIMORE, MD (Thursday, April 4, 2024) – The Baltimore Regional Transportation Board (BRTB) is working with partners at the Federal Highway Administration and Federal Transit Administration to get certified. The BRTB is asking members of the public to take a survey of recent planning and outreach by May 7, and will host a hybrid public meeting on May 1.

The process of federal certification takes place every four years, and seeks to ensure that the BRTB follows federal rules for planning and outreach. Since the BRTB’s most recent certification in 2020, more than 1,750 people have weighed in on plans and projects, helping shape the future of the region’s transportation system. The BRTB continues striving to reach more people around the region and bring more voices into the planning process.

“Your feedback is critically important to our federal certification process,” says Todd Lang, Director of Transportation Planning at Baltimore Metropolitan Council, the agency that staffs and supports the BRTB. “Whether or not you’ve taken part in our past planning work, we want to know how we can better reach you, share the information you need and get your feedback.”

The BRTB is the federally designated metropolitan planning organization for the Baltimore region. Its board members include local elected officials as well as local, state and federal agency specialists who guide transportation planning and budgeting in the Baltimore region, evaluating needs and trends, listening to communities, and advancing shared priorities for the movement of people and goods with a focus on safety, equity and resilience.

This certification review will focus on the BRTB’s Resilience 2050 long-range transportation plan, approved in 2023 and the BRTB’s Public Participation Plan, updated in 2022, as well as the most recent Transportation Improvement Programs, which are refreshed annually and act as budgets for transportation projects throughout the region.

The BRTB is asking members of the public to complete a brief survey on these planning and outreach efforts. The BRTB will also host a hybrid public meeting on Wednesday, May 1 at 6:30 p.m. At the meeting, members of the public will have a chance to learn more about the process of certification from federal regulators and ask questions or share comments. Participants can join virtually, or in-person at the Baltimore Metropolitan Council’s McHenry Row office.

Ways to comment include:

  • Online via a short survey at
  • Sending an email to
  • Texting keyword ‘BRTBcertification’ to 73224
  • Leaving a voicemail toll-free via 855-925-2801x1774
  • Reach @BaltoMetroCo on social media with #BRTBListens
  • Joining a public meeting on Wednesday, May 1, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.
    • Virtual: register for the link via
    • In-person: visit the Baltimore Metropolitan Council’s McHenry Row office at 1500 Whetstone Way, Suite 300, Baltimore MD 21230 (free visitor parking, transit accessible via MTA Local 71 and 94 or the Charm City Circulator Banner Route)



Baltimore Metropolitan Council (BMC) works collaboratively with the chief elected officials in the region to create initiatives to improve quality of life and economic vitality. As the Baltimore region’s council of governments, BMC hosts the Baltimore Regional Transportation Board (BRTB) and supports local government by coordinating efforts in a range of policy areas including emergency preparedness, housing, cooperative purchasing, environmental planning and workforce development.

BMC operates its programs and services without regard to race, color or national origin in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other applicable laws. BMC offers interpretation services, including language translation services and signage for the hearing impaired, at public meetings upon request with seven days advance notice. BMC will not exclude persons based on age, religion, or disability. For assistance, contact the Public Involvement Coordinator,, or call 410-732-0500. Dial 7-1-1 or 800-735-2258 to initiate a TTY call through Maryland Relay. Usarios de Relay MD marquen 7-1-1. Si se necesita información de Título VI en español, llame al 410-732-0500.