BRTB Planning Cherry Hill Segment of the Patapsco Regional Greenway | Baltimore Metropolitan Council

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BRTB Planning Cherry Hill Segment of the Patapsco Regional Greenway

Press Releases

BALTIMORE, MD (Tuesday, March 11, 2025) – The Baltimore Regional Transportation Board (BRTB) opened a public comment period on its preliminary plans for an approximately 1.7-mile trail in the Cherry Hill neighborhood of Baltimore City.

The trail will connect the existing Middle Branch Trail to the planned Patapsco Avenue Pedestrian and Bicycle Bridge. This will connect the neighborhood to the Patapsco Light Rail Station, offering new recreational biking and walking paths in the area that are comfortable and accessible for people of all ages and abilities.

The trail will become a part of the Patapsco Regional Greenway (PRG), a planned 40-mile, shared-use trail running through the Patapsco Valley from Baltimore’s Inner Harbor to Sykesville in Carroll County. Nearly 17 miles have been constructed to date, with 21 additional miles under design. 

Members of the public are invited to provide feedback on the early concept plans during this comment period. Future comment periods later this year will present proposed routes and the preferred alignment before design and construction commence.

The project team will be hosting a community open house on Monday, March 24 at the Cherry Hill Branch of the Enoch Pratt Free Library (606 Cherry Hill Rd, Baltimore, MD 21225) between 5 and 6:30 p.m. Materials from the meeting will be available online at

Initial comments on the trail segment are welcome from Tuesday, March 11 through Monday, April 14, 2025. Ways to comment include:

  • Online via a short survey at
  • Sending an email to
  • Texting keyword ‘CherryHill’ to 855-925-2801
  • Leaving a voicemail toll-free via 855-925-2801x11148
  • Finding us on Facebook, Instagram, X or LinkedIn (comments on social media posts are reviewed, but are not included in the official public record)



Baltimore Metropolitan Council (BMC) works collaboratively with the chief elected officials in the region to create initiatives to improve quality of life and economic vitality. As the Baltimore region’s council of governments, BMC hosts the Baltimore Regional Transportation Board (BRTB) and supports local government by coordinating efforts in a range of policy areas including emergency preparedness, housing, cooperative purchasing, environmental planning and workforce development.

BMC operates its programs and services without regard to race, color or national origin in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other applicable laws. Appropriate services can be provided to qualified individuals with disabilities or those in need of language assistance who submit a request at least seven days prior to a meeting. Call 410- 732-0500. Dial 7-1-1 or 800-735-2258 to initiate a TTY call through Maryland Relay. Si se necesita información de Título VI en español, llame al 410-732-0500.