Transportation & Public Works Subcommittee | Baltimore Metropolitan Council

Commuting Cost Calculator

  • Your round trip mileage from home to work :
  • Number of days per week you work :
  • Total Mile You Commute Every Week :
  • Number of weeks you work per year :
  • Total Miles You Commute Per Year :
  • Average 2019 cost per mile for automobile operation as estimated by the American Automobile Association includes fuel, insurance, depreciation, maintenance. :
  • Total Yearly Cost of Your Commute:

Transportation & Public Works Subcommittee

Please refer to the agenda for specific committee meetings on how to participate.  

The Transportation & Public Works Subcommittee was created to provide input and recommendations to both the Baltimore Regional Transportation Board ("typical" operations) and the Baltimore Urban Area Homeland Security Work Group (emergency operations). The committee identifies and addresses transportation and public works issues to enhance emergency preparedness, response and recovery as well as provide a forum for members to discuss and resolve transportation and public works issues.

Hybrid Meeting
Attend in person: Baltimore Metropolitan Council
1500 Whetstone Way, Suite 300, Baltimore 21230
Join the meeting remotely by clicking this link:
You can also dial in using your phone:
301-715-8592; Access Code: 884 7353 3886





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