Congestion Management Process Committee | Baltimore Metropolitan Council

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Congestion Management Process Committee


Congestion Management Process Committee

Congestion Management Process Committee


The Congestion Management Process Committee (CMPC) advises both the Technical Committee and the BRTB on issues around safe and efficient movement of people and goods. The group meets approximately three times per year.

Purpose and Mission

To develop a systematic and regionally-accepted approach for managing congestion that provides accurate, up-to-date information on transportation system performance and assesses alternative strategies for congestion management that meets the regions needs by:

  • guiding implementation of the regional CMP process and
  • helping track progress toward meeting the region’s CMP objectives


Participants are from all member jurisdictions as well as representatives from Maryland Department of Planning, Maryland Department of Transportation (Secretary’s Office, MDOT MTA, MDOT SHA, MDOT MDTA), Maryland State Police, and FHWA.