Interagency Consultation Group | Baltimore Metropolitan Council

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Interagency Consultation Group


Interagency Consultation Group

Interagency Consultation Group


The Interagency Consultation Group (ICG) is the group tasked by the Baltimore Regional Transportation Board (BRTB) with conducting the key processes in determining air quality transportation conformity of the region's short-range transportation program and long-range transportation plan. This group is the main committee of the BRTB handling air quality planning issues for transportation.

Purpose and Mission

  • To conduct a conformity determination on long-range transportation plans, short-range transportation programs, and regionally significant non-exempt changes to either.
  • To participate in the development of motor vehicle emission budgets as part of MDE's State Implementation Plan (SIP) development process.


Membership consists of three voting members (The Maryland Departments of Transportation and Environment) and a representative of the BRTB, and additional non-voting members, including the regional offices of the Federal Highway Administration, US Environmental Protection Agency, and Federal Transit Administration.