PRG Stoney Run Phase 1 Open House | Baltimore Metropolitan Council

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PRG Stoney Run Phase 1 Open House

Howard County Library Elkridge Branch

Baltimore Metropolitan Council (BMC) is beginning plans for a four mile trail connecting Elkridge Main Street to the BWI Trail at Stoney Run Road. An initial public comment period on the plans will close on February 16, 2024, and will include a meeting at the Howard County Library Elkridge Branch on February 6 at 6 p.m.

The trail will be part of the Patapsco Regional Greenway (PRG), an envisioned 40-mile shared-use trail connecting Baltimore’s Inner Harbor to Sykesville in Carroll County along the Patapsco Valley. The trail will connect with another developing segment of the PRG at Elkridge Main Street, and extend south to connect with the existing BWI Trail, expanding the connections available to bicyclists, pedestrians, equestrian riders and other users.

BMC is collaborating with Anne Arundel County, Howard County and the Maryland Department of Natural Resources to develop plans for the trail.

This initial comment period invites members of the public to weigh in early on the concept. Another comment period later this year will present proposed routes for public review, and a third comment period will invite members of the public to share additional feedback on a single ‘preferred alignment’ before design and construction moves ahead. These comment periods seek to ensure that we can consider your feedback at every stage of planning.

Anyone wishing to discuss the project in more detail is welcome to join a public meeting at the Howard County Library Elkridge Branch on Wednesday, February 6 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Parking on site. Transit accessible via RTA Route 409 at Rowanberry Drive / Elkridge Library. Anyone who cannot attend may view meeting materials at




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