Public Meeting: Patapsco Regional Greenway -Sykesville to McKeldin Segment | Baltimore Metropolitan Council

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Public Meeting: Patapsco Regional Greenway -Sykesville to McKeldin Segment

The Baltimore Regional Transportation Board (BRTB), as the metropolitan planning organization for the Baltimore region, seeks public comments through Friday, June 11 on a new section of the Patapsco Regional Greenway in Carroll County and Howard County.

In 2017, the BRTB approved a concept plan for the Patapsco Regional Greenway, which will be used by bicyclists, hikers, runners, walkers, and in some locations, equestrians. To date, over 12 miles of the greenway have been completed. Now, the BRTB seeks your input on the Sykesville to McKeldin Segment, which will add another 8.5 miles to the greenway.

Join us on Thursday, May 27 at 6:30 p.m. to learn more about this project and share your thoughts.




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