The Baltimore Regional Transportation Board (BRTB), as the metropolitan planning organization (MPO) for the Baltimore region, seeks public comments through Monday, January 11 on a part of the Patapsco Regional Greenway in Howard and Baltimore Counties.
Earlier this year the BRTB sought feedback on three options or “alignment alternatives” for the Elkridge to Guinness connection. Based on that feedback, a modified Patapsco Route was selected and now the BRTB seeks your input on future design considerations such as seating, bike racks, educational opportunities along the route, overlooks, pet stations, and signage.
Details about the comment period and how to provide comments are available below.
About the Patapsco Regional Greenway
The Patapsco Regional Greenway envisions a 40-mile, shared-use trail running through the Patapsco Valley from Baltimore’s Inner Harbor to Sykesville in Carroll County. This trail, when completed, would pass through or near the communities of Cherry Hill, Baltimore Highlands, Halethorpe, Elkridge, Catonsville, Ellicott City, Oella, Daniels, Woodstock, Marriottsville, and Sykesville.
About the Elkridge to Guinness Project
The purpose of the project is to develop preliminary design drawings for a segment of the Patapsco Regional Greenway connecting Patapsco Valley State Park, Main Street in Elkridge, and the Guinness Open Gate Brewery.
The goals of this project are to:
- build a low-traffic bicycle and pedestrian facility
- improve access to the nearby natural environment
- create a new gateway to downtown Elkridge to support economic development
Choosing the Best Pathway
Earlier this year, the design team presented three options or “alignment alternatives” for the Elkridge to Guinness connection for your review and comments:
- Alternative 1: The Patapsco Route
- Alternative 2: The Northern Link
- Alternative 3: The Elkridge Spur
Based on input from the public and project partners, a modified version of the Patapsco Route was chosen as the selected alignment and preliminary design drawings were developed.
The Patapsco Route, modified, will provide a practical, constructible and impactful investment. It will provide new pedestrian and bicycle access connecting Howard and Baltimore Counties via a scenic bridge crossing over the Patapsco River, while also leveraging Howard County’s existing investments in the transportation network and the general comfort levels of Main Street and Levering Avenue for biking and walking.
The BRTB currently seeks your input on future design considerations such as seating, bike racks, educational opportunities along the route, overlooks, pet stations, and signage.
In 2021, following the conclusion of public comment and preliminary design, Howard and Baltimore Counties will apply for a grant to complete the design.
Based on your input, and the input of our project partners, the project team will choose a preferred alignment and complete a preliminary design. Once 30% design is completed, Howard and Baltimore Counties will apply for a grant from the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) to complete the design.
Share Your Thoughts
The BRTB invites the public to share their input on future design considerations through Monday, January 11, 2021.
There are four ways you can comment:
- View the StoryMap and take our survey @ https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/9YBWMVZ
- Email your thoughts to comments@baltometro.org
- Call us at 410-732-0500 x 1042 and leave a voicemail with your feedback
- Share your thoughts via Twitter at @BaltoMetroCo | @BmoreInvolved | #BRTBlistens
For more information:
Contact Sheila Mahoney, senior transportation planner, by email at smahoney@baltometro.org, or by phone at 410-732-0500 x 1042.
The Baltimore Regional Transportation Board operates its programs and services without regard to race, color, or national origin in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and other applicable laws. Appropriate services can be provided to qualified individuals with disabilities or those in need of language assistance who submit a request at least seven days prior to a meeting. Call 410- 732-0500. Dial 7-1-1 or 800-735-2258 to initiate a TTY call through Maryland Relay. Si se necesita información de Título VI en español, llame al 410-732-0500.